Wednesday, July 31, 2013

First Pack Meeting

So Russell just got called to be the new Cub Master in our ward.  (I may or may not have had anything to do with that!)  So far he has really enjoyed the calling and has a ton of fun ideas to make scouts fun for the boys.  Because we don't have very many boys in our ward, we combine with another ward for scouts and the cub masters take turns being in charge of pack meeting.  July's pack meeting was Russell's first pack meeting to be in charge of.  July's theme just happened to be "Fire Safety".  What more fitting topic could there be for Russell?  He was excited to talk to the boys about fire.  
First, Russell brought in all of his fire gear to show the boys.  He even had Kason Webb model on his fire turn outs!  The boys loved it.  Russell also showed the scouts some of the tools firefighters use to put out fires.  He talked about what to do if you are on fire, are in a fire, and how to prevent fires from starting.  Next we played a relay game using different fire moves.

First they had to roll a boy up in a blanket and roll him across the gym.  This symbolized what to do if your clothes catch on fire. (Stop, Drop, and Roll.)  Then they had to crawl back across the gym blindfolded.  This symbolized what to do if you are in a fire in your house and you are trying to get out.  (Crawling under the dark smoke.)  Finally the group had to carry one member across the finish line in the fireman carry.  First one done was the winning team.  The boys had fun with this too.  The best part came next though.  Treats and water:

Russell invited the Fire Department to come over with their firetruck and talk to the boys.  Afterward they sprayed everyone with the master stream hose!  Everyone was soaking wet and loving it!  I think it was a great pack meeting and it seemed like all of the scouts had a good time too.  So Russell is having fun with this calling and I think he will be really good for the boys in cub scouts.

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